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Book XII exhibition in the Ukrainian House, Kyiv, Kyiv


At the end of the third week of May event will be held nationwide scale - XII Book Exhibition at the Ukrainian House in Kyiv. The international event brings together authors and book lovers, collects booksellers and publishers.

Within the book exhibition will be held press conferences, seminars, workshops, autograph sessions and thematic round tables. It will bring together chief editors of leading publishers, writers, artists, art historians and literary critics. It will be full of holiday books, educational and fun collection of book fans.

Venue: Ukrainian house on the street. Khreshchatyk 2, Kyiv.

Dates: from 19 to 22 May 2016 will start at 10:00, conclusion - at 19:00.

Cost: Free admission.

The program book exhibition

For 4 days the exhibition will bring together fans of books from all over the country and guests from abroad will attend a massive event.

Large-scale event aims to popularize Ukrainian book, contribute to the development of exhibitions, update national publishing products and to establish cooperation between domestic and foreign publishers.

The exhibition acquaint with the best examples of literary production, book clubs and children`s libraries, printing, and commercial enterprises. The event will come representatives of prominent Ukrainian newspapers and magazines, electronic publications, specialized internet portals.

A wide range of exhibitions cover all genres of literature:

  • art;
  • training;
  • scientific;
  • historical;
  • local history;
  • music;
  • children.

Guests are greeted by "literary salon" where an opportunity to meet and mingle with famous writers of our outstanding, talented young beginners literary field.

The exhibition will be held charity event "Give a child the joy - share a book." Those interested can take part in creating a large library for kids in the East.

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