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Holiday beard 2016, Lviv, L'viv


In late May, is expected beard grand celebration in 2016 in Lviv. Organizers call oschetynyuvatysya, grow a beard and culture visit the park, where you can compete in a beauty contest bearded.

It offers bright stay: dancing, delicious food, workshops and strange bearded competitions. At the festival, everyone can buy beautiful accessories and care products Beard, join the rough bearded society, look and listen to something really Beard.

Location: Park of Culture named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Bulgarian, 4, Lviv.

Date: will be held May 28, 2016.

Cost: free admission.

The program beard Holidays

The festival will bring together the most charming beard beard around the city and beyond. Bearded guests are also invited to participate in the competition for a luxurious and thick beard. It is expected a number of different locations:

  • Beard care from the best barbershoperiv;
  • Beauty contest for the most beautiful beard;
  • interesting workshops;
  • dance music from top DJs;
  • bearded delicious cuisine.

Wonderful mood, atmosphere and fun bunch of impressions - all guaranteed.

Contact: +38 (032) 260-15-78, +38 (096) 20-37-257.

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