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Cossack festival 2016, Baturin, Baturyn


Very soon will be able to touch the Cossack history, feel the feat of heroic fighters for independence, enjoy the performance of professional and amateur art groups and more. This festival offers Cossack Baturin in 2016.

The program of the event and the official concert of the delineated time frame. First provedutsya funeral lithium and laying flowers to the monument, and then begin a concert dedicated to the memory of those killed in Baturyn tragedy.

Location: Citadel Baturyn Baturyn Fortress and the City House of Culture.

Date: will be held June 12, 2016.

Cost: Free admission.

Cossack festival program

Before the official script of which take place in the territory of the Citadel Baturyn Fortress, included:

  • 12:00 - the official opening ceremony of the festival;
  • 12:05 - Lithia funeral for the victims who fought for the independence of our country;
  • 12:20 - laying flowers at the monument to victims of Baturin tragedy in 1708;
  • 12:30 - greetings from Mayor Leonid Soul and honorary guests of the event;
  • 12:35 - speech researcher Baturyn Preserve and students of the school.

At 13:00 start entertaining concert program at the Municipal House of Culture, which will present their work different art groups.

The program provides:

  • delicious soup;
  • Cossack entertainment;
  • fair of products of craftsmen;
  • singing, dancing and more fun.

Contact: +38 (096) 094-78-84.

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