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Ethnic ekofestyval "Kodyma-FEST" Ivashkiv, Odesa


The first large-scale and ambitious ethnic ekofestyval "Kodyma-Fest" in Ivashka open the unique culture of Southern skirts. It will be a new platform and space for communication creative people. The festival brings together three major projects: "Kotrutsa", "pellets" and "Clack".

The festival will host a grand gala concert, which will feature local art groups and ethnic groups of Ukraine, Georgia and Bulgaria, including such groups as "troublemakers", "Ethnos" group "chorea Cossack" and many others.

Location: the village Ivashkiv , Odessa region.

Date: will be held June 18-19, 2016.

Cost: Free admission.

Program ethno-ekofestyvalyu

On two acres of land allotted for the festival, will be equipped with 8 sites where children and adults will be able to:

  • meet with Ukrainian folklore and folk entertainments late 19th-early 20th century;
  • learn the secrets of baking bread ritual;
  • taste the traditional dishes of the region;
  • become parties ceremonial wedding;
  • take part in various workshops of craftsmen;
  • explore methods of ecological construction and agriculture.

The main location "Kodyma-fest":

  • main stage;
  • "Pellets" - traditional kitchen area;
  • "Clack" - eco-playground;
  • "Kotrutsa" - children`s playground;
  • harpers lawn;
  • Fair masters;
  • playground "Cossack fun";
  • area for the press.

On the main stage will take place the epicenter of the event. It will perform authentic folk groups and secondary, held Cossack entertainment.

In addition to the main program of cultural events are expected:

  • Presentation of the "traditional embroidery workshop";
  • screening of the documentary;
  • of educational tourism;
  • competition for the best house of the village, to put in the Trinity;
  • improvement of agricultural fair.

Contact: +38 (068) 370-27-90, +38 (068) 814-47-38.

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