Burn The Scene For Fun 2016, Kolodyazky, Zhytomyr

For the eighth «Burn The Scene For Fun» Kolodyazkah 2016 to be held June 18-19, or rather in the forests near Zhitomir. Traditionally, the festival organizers do not purely musical, also planned a series of lectures and workshops. Now actively accepting applications for their conduct.
Planned mini-football tournament, volleyball, badminton and cable town. Football Match held between teams of 4 players in 2 halves of 10 minutes. Team winner and finalist will receive a super prize.
Venue: forest area near the village Kolodyazky Zhytomyr region. Turn in field on the road near the exit from the village, if you go with Kyiv .
Dates: on 18 and 19 June 2016.
Cost: 1 day ticket costs 150 USD, 2 days - 200 UAH (peredprodazh). On the day of the festival - 200 USD and 250 USD respectively. Peredprodazh tickets available until 12 June.
The festival program
Trying to make the festival more diverse, the program included:
- sports football, volleyball, tug of war;
- lectures and workshops;
- frimarket.
Guests waiting Line Up:
- «BOMG» of Kyiv;
- «BURROW» Kharkiv;
- «CHÖD» Kharkiv;
- «COLD COMFORT» Exactly;
- «DOGS HAVE NO HELL Chernihiv and Lviv;
- «EDGY POINT» from Zhitomir;
- «EEVA» with Russia;
- «FIFTY / FIFTY» from Ivano-Frankivsk;
- «I KNOW» Minsk;
- «NI (Linz / Ottenshaym)" from Austria;
- «SOMALI YACHT CLUB» from Lviv;
- «THE SYMBIOZ» of Uzhgorod;
- «YOTSUYA KAIDAN» from Odessa;
- «ZOMBIE ATTACK» of Kyiv;
- "DOMЪ tolerance" from Simferopol;
- "PREDSMERTNAYA Quadrille" with Kyiv.
Also, the festival can not imagine myself without delicious vegan food, bar and disco.
Accommodation is available in the camp. On-site work rental of tents, but they must be booked in advance.