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Exhibition of works by Alexander Vysotsky "Mamaia", Dnipro


February 19, 2015 Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum presents an exhibition of works by Alexander Vysotsky, which is today - especially in stressful and critical time for our country - should be, according to the artist, the viewer is shown, above all, our glorious city, because this is where the author was born and raised .

In Dnepropetrovsk Alexander Vysotsky and started his way creative research, at the age of seventeen joining the art studio. After a forced break - Service in the Soviet Army in Cuba - Alexander D. returned to classes in painting and drawing studio has Dnepropetrovsk artist Sheila seeds. Since 1973. studies in LVHPU them. Fly, and since 1980 - at the Kharkov Art and Industrial Institute, after which the designer receives a diploma. Since 1986. in 1993 immersed in a very interesting and important in the case of the artist`s creative development sphere - the restoration of the church painting (Ukraine, Moldova). In 1992 joined the Union of Artists of Ukraine, and next year is leaving to Germany. Actively participates in the exhibition projects in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Braunschweig (Germany), Antwerp, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) and Moscow (Russia). The works of the artist are kept in art museums of Ukraine, Germany, Russia and private collections .

However, Alexander Vysotsky never utynav ties with his native city, he was always worried about the fate of Ukraine. So, the theme of the current exhibition is not exceptional in the context of the work of the author.

Identifying himself with Ukraine and ever feeling Ukrainian artist creative way of realizing their inherent need for self-identification. And "about 7-8 years ago, step by step, week by week, sometimes both on the highway, sometimes - between times, sometimes - through the stump-deck" - as recognized Alexander, born in the exhibition work: nearly 40 works made in different techniques (oil, mixed author`s technique, ink) and styles (in academic, impressionist, cubist).

Is the exhibition and work that Alexander wrote in 2015.. This is - his pain, his excitement for his native Ukraine, hometown ...

Name of the event "MAMAYO" is too eloquent and at the same time inspires intryhuyuchoyu.Mytets theme free, diverse, eclectic.

Kozak mother - a kind of embodiment Ukrainian character accumulated image stability, love of freedom, indestructibility people who for centuries by the attackers "All odbyvayuchys, eternal cherished dream: not yarmyty anyone not harbaty not fight, and equip your home, muruvaty build" . So Kozak mother lives in each of us.

Mother of Alexander Vysotsky combines incarnation traveling Zaporozhets, soldiers and hooligans, zhartuna and bandura, philosopher and zhartuna, simple and wise magician - Cossack characterniki, fearless folk hero.

Opening of the exhibition will be held: February 19, 2015 at 16:00 pm.

The museum is open from 10:00 to 17:30 (ticket office 17:00); weekend - Monday, Tuesday

Tel. (056) 744 60 35, (0562) 47 33 38

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