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The "Feel Ukraine" at the Palace of Fine Arts, L'viv


Under "Shevchenko celebrations" that vidbuduyutsya in Lviv Palace of Arts will begin a new project called "Feel Ukraine."

"Feel Ukraine" - a video installation, a concept which is to offer acquainted with the modern Ukraine continues as it is not only visually, but literally - to the touch. If you wish to pass this way barefoot, as a way to return to nature or to feel like a child who makes the first steps in life, groping, not knowing what awaits around the corner, moving further and further, getting new impressions, feelings and experiences.

Every nook "virtual maze" you can see video shot in various parts of Ukraine, the Carpathians, the Crimea, the West and the East, accompanied by the Ukrainian music, authentic folk songs that are selected with a view to play some ethnic code.

The main focus of the exhibition - the symbolism of ancient musical instruments and their role in the Ukrainian identity in the world. Ukrainian language, song and tradition as a thread that stitched large embroidered Ukrainian culture and ethnicity, even in the most difficult times annihilation and decay.

In the video materials used to project films of French director Vincent Moon`s Independent that he made in partnership with Yuri Gnatkovsky, traveling Ukraine.

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PinchukArtCentre invites children from 7 to 9 years` Education Room "dedicated to class 8th of March!
The project THE VELVET touch to ... In a world where many illusory, we offer real communication on a thin thread of art that will link you. Any kind of art has a right to exist.
For children 9-10 years PinchukArtCentre announces admission to the educational program "Art Detective".

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