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People and humour in a new project of Vladislav Shereshevsky "People", Kyiv


In an ironical manner inherent to him Vladislav Shereshevsky will show what modern Ukrainian people look like and how they live. His paintings show people in different manifestations.

The exhibition will show the whole range of the human nature: from joyful smiling beautiful images to disgusting awful types. Shereshevsky's characters cause extreme emotions. To some of them – soldiers, children – you feel sincere sympathy, to others – on the contrary, disgust.

The exhibition “People” symbolically unites picturesque traditions of the western and eastern art, it tells about people from different corners of the country. As a result a viewer gets a complete image of Ukraine as one country and its inhabitants.

Project “People” is about realities of Ukrainians. Vladislav Shereshevsky truthfully and with humour tells about war, hope, love and about what opposing things can stand behind the word "person". Shereshevsky's exhibition is a therapy with humour which heals from terrible realities. Looking at his sinciere in an infantile way but at the same time highly sarcastic works it becomes somehow easier to perceive everything going on around us.

Vladislav Shereshevsky: "The location of Mystetska Zbirka Art Gallery prompted me the idea for an exhibition. It is between the museums of the Russian and Oriental Art. I decided to show in a symbolic way how western and eastern elements intertwined in the Ukrainian culture.

After visiting the Dutch museums it occurred to me to paint my own series of the Little Dutch masters: big forms in a modern way. Further I wanted to answer with something from the East. Therefore I had paintings: Eastern Ukraine, what it looks like now, its inhabitants. The exhibition appeared to be in a European way, but with a certain oriental kitsch".

About the artist

Vladislav Shereshevsky's creativity integrally unites artistic pathos with genuine irony. His business cards read "An artist with a God-given talent". His paintings are known for their special style, subtle humour, insuperable charm and high level of classical art. Shereshevsky's paintings are presented in a set of private collections in the USA, Israel, Greece, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Germany, Ukraine.

The opening ceremony will take place on March 18 at 18:00

The exhibition works from March 18 till April 5, 2015

Mon – Sun: from 11:00 till 18:00

Free admission.

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