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Poltava region:
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Centre for Development of spiritual culture, Oposhnya
вул. Заливчого 3, смт Опішня 38164, Зіньківський р-н, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Center for Spiritual Development is in Opishne Zenkovsky district, Poltava region. It contains unique exhibits of cultural heritage of Ukraine. This place is popular with tourists from all over the world. Description Development Centre Center of Spiritual Culture is located in the building of ...
Picture Gallery, Dykanka
вул. Леніна 72, смт Диканька 38500, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Art Gallery of Mary Bashkirtseva is in Dikan`ka . About 450 exhibits housed in 8 halls of the gallery - a sculpture, woodcarving, canvases, metal stamping and graphics. A separate room in the gallery dedicated to the work of the French artist of Ukrainian origin MK Bakshirtsevoy. Her work has ...
Fire-technical exhibition, Poltava
вул. Маршала Бірюзова 26/1, Полтава 36000, Україна
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Fire-Technical Exhibition in Poltava is unique in its kind, is not in such a field. The exhibition aims to acquaint people with the history of fire cases, conducts engineering and technical advice and more. Guests receive a special emotional atmosphere that makes one want to follow safety rules ...
Art Salon, Great Krucha
с. Велика Круча 37052, Пирятинський р-н, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Art Salon in Great Steeper interesting gallery of traditional Ukrainian art, created with the assistance of Poltava families collectors names Vasilenko. The book contains the best exhibits of the most colorful and unusual describing the history of the area, its rituals, heritage and customs. Sam ...
Arts and crafts workshop
вул. Шевченка 3б, смт Решетилівка 38400, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Reshetilovka studio arts and crafts was founded in 1905 as exemplary weaving workshop. It is here that produced fabulous carpets, tapestries, costumes, embroidered towels Poltava and more. During Soviet times, it was converted into a factory named Clara Zetkin. At the moment, this is one of the ...
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