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Fire-technical exhibition, Poltava

Fire-technical exhibition, Poltava

Fire-Technical Exhibition in Poltava is unique in its kind, is not in such a field. The exhibition aims to acquaint people with the history of fire cases, conducts engineering and technical advice and more. Guests receive a special emotional atmosphere that makes one want to follow safety rules everyone who visits the exhibition.

Main activity Fire Exhibition

Local educational institutions of the city regularly conduct lessons on the basics of life safety within the fire-technical exhibition. Also visit the museum kind of fire is part of organized tourist routes to Poltava.

Free exhibition created special conditions and climate, so visitors will not only begin to adhere to fire safety, but also pay attention to the general attitude of society to danger.

The exhibition started its active work in 1987 on 24 October. Over the years, managed to accumulate considerable exposure and create a unique program that allows you to:

  • acquaint visitors with fire business;
  • organize training of employees, officers, pupils and students;
  • consult technical direction on the protection of objects;
  • promote employment and combat traditions of protection.

Results actively promote fire safety impressive. This positively affected the state fire protection institutions and enterprises and the consequent preservation of human life.


A large number of exhibits housed in six rooms:

  1. The first - the heroes of Fire, a hall dedicated to the glory of Chernobyl.
  2. The second - a clear and detailed history of fire protection.
  3. In the third - automation and utility equipment.
  4. In the fourth - fire protection.
  5. In the fifth - real visual evidence of fires.
  6. In the sixth - lectures and cinema.

Every year, the exhibition is up to 8000 people.

Getting there

Poltava exhibition room of the fire is on the street Marshal turquoise. Nearby stop "Demitex" and "Prodmash", which stops large number of taxis and buses that can reach the exhibition.

Hours: open Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00.

Telephone: +380 (532) 50-37-89.


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