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Main Synagogue, Vizhnitsa
м. Вижниця 59200, Чернівецька обл., Україна
City Vyzhnytsia still considered one of the centers of Jewish Bukovina. The proportion of Jews at the beginning of the 20th century made up 90% of the population. Then 11 functioning synagogues. Main Synagogue - the largest of them, which has been preserved to this day. History synagogue Built ...
Chiesa. Dimitri Vyzhnytsia
вул. Підгірна 13, м. Вижниця 59200, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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Church of St. Demetrios in Vizhnica - a wooden church, which is located on the western outskirts of the city. Built in the late 19th century is not only a major architectural landmark but also the center of her spiritual life. The architecture of the temple in Vizhnica The composition of the ...
Nicholas Church, Vizhnitsa
вул. Л. Кобилиці 5, м. Вижниця 59200, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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Vyzhnytsia for tourists - it is primarily Carpathian nature surrounding the city Vyzhnytsya National Park . However, the small town has to offer for inspection. The city has preserved historic buildings, many buildings, estates of wealthy residents and churches. One of the attractions is the St. ...
Peter and Paul Church, Vizhnitsa
вул. Л. Кобилиці, м. Вижниця 59200, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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