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Jesuit Сhurch in Chernivtsi
вул. Бахрушина 2, Чернівці 58000, Україна
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Roman Catholic Church in Chernivtsi - a wonderful sample Bukovynian Gothic Revival. High strict building with sharp spikes attracts tourists.
Church and monastery complex was built in the late 19th century. His erection missionaries petitioned the Society of Jesus - the heirs of the Jesuits. The ...
Armenian Church in Chernivtsi
вул. Українська 31, м. Чернівці, Україна
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First Armenian immigrants settled on the territory of Bukovyna in the middle of the 14th century. But only in the 19th century they came to Chernivtsi. At that time about 30 Armenian families lived there. First they didn’t have their own church, that’s why a sacred image of St Grygoriy ...
Holy Ascension Monastery, Bunch
с. Банчени 60523, Герцаївський р-н, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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One of the most beautiful and relatively young monasteries in Ukraine is about Bunch village. In this sacred place Believers come from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Poland, Romania and other countries of near and far abroad. At this point, there is peace, tranquility and grace, and they are getting ...
Assumption Catholic Church, Vashkivtsi
вул. Бетховена 4/5, м. Вашківці 59210, Вижницький р-н, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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Assumption Church in Vashkovtsy is truly one of the most important religious shrines in the city. Church Located in the central part of it. It was originally lit in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but only recently has been transformed into an Orthodox church and was named in honor of St. ...
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Chernivtsi
вул. Головна 85, Чернівці 58000, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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Highlight of Chernivtsi is considered the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, designed in the classical style designed by the famous Austrian architect role. Cathedral impresses with its forms and grandeur despite his relatively young age - about 150 years.
The history of the Cathedral of the Holy ...
Nicholas Church, Beregomet
с. Берегомет 59332, Кіцманський р-н, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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The village Beregomet (the one that Rod) is a unique monument of wooden architecture of national importance - Nicholas Church. Its archaic form and style of construction clearly shows us how the inhabitants of Bukovina were given their own established traditions. Church history in Berehomet The ...
Church of St. Paraskevi Chernivtsi
вул. Заньковецької 24, м. Чернівці 58000, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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One of the greatest Orthodox shrines Chernivtsi is the Church of St. Paraskeva, which is under the jurisdiction of the Kyiv Patriarchate. At the same time the church is a kind of calling card of the city. He waits for tourists who climb up from the train station to the city center. The history of ...
Assumption Cathedral (Russian Church), Chernivtsi
вул. Російська 28, м. Чернівці 58000, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, Chernovtsy
вул. Трояновська 1, м. Чернівці 58000, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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Historical monuments in Chernivtsi preserved not only in the city center. Historically, the oldest stone building of the city was historically in the city, and its suburbs, which became its member in the 60`s. Refers to the Church of Nativity, which is located in Horecha was originally a small ...
Exaltation Church, Chernivtsi
вул. Бетховена 2, м. Чернівці 58000, Чернівецька обл., Україна
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Centre Roman Catholic community of Chernivtsi - Exaltation Church. He is also the one of the main landmarks of the city. You should certainly visit the church and its interesting history and good preservation exactly you like. Exaltation Church History Exaltation church history began with the ...
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