All about
Letychivs'kyi district:
Medzhybizh Fortress
вул. Замкова 1, смт Меджибіж 31530, Летичівський р-н, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Majestic fortress known as White Swan stands, as if being lost in time, by confluence of the South Bug and the Buzhok Rivers in Khmel’nyts’k region. It is an ancient fortress in a small Medzhybizh town, which reminds a swan in reflection of the rivers. Once, walls of the fortress were impregnated ...
Mass grave of victims of the Holocaust, Letichev
смт Летичів 31500, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Mass grave of Soviet soldiers, voice
с. Голосків 31535, Летичівський р-н, Хмельницька обл., Україна
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