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The Church of St. George, Upper Synyovydne
вул. Золота гора, Сколе 82600, Львівська обл., Україна
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Gold rises on the mountain wooden church, recognized as a monument of history and architecture. The Church of St. George, also known as St. George, erected on the site of the Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to legend, it was here, in the cells of the monks, spent the night in 1240 ...
Church of Our Lady of Czestochowa
вул. Січових Стрільців 24, Верхнє Синьовидне 82613, Львівська область, Україна
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Church of Our Lady of Czestochowa, or as it is properly called the Church of John the Baptist, built in 1886. Has a typical Carpathian Greek Catholic churches form an elongated structure with a high bell tower. The right and left of the entrance is decorated temple bibleynymi frescoes: the image ...
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