Kobeliaky Oscar
вул. Шевченка, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
Ukraine is simply a wonderful country with many different scenic spots, where is always a pleasure to come back. In each city, region or village there is something unique and amazing place that locals are proud of. How nice to have its own flavor and know that anywhere else there is no beauty.
One ...
Wooden sculptures, Kobelyaki
вул. Шевченка, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
City Kobeliaky that in Poltava region, located at the confluence of the river Vorskla Kobelyachky. The park is Khmelnytsky wooden figures of fantastic characters that will satisfy children and adults. History wooden sculptures The idea to install wooden sculptures in the park occurred to Mayor ...
Monument Globe Kobelyaki
вул. Леніна, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
In honor of the friendship with the German town of Singen was a monument to Kobelyaki Globe. The procedure for opening the monument accompanied by ceremonial speeches, which were held in the meeting room of the local authorities. Project financing made by representatives of the international ...
Old Jewish Cemetery, Kobelyaki
вул. Міжколгоспна, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Poltava town Kobeliaky known throughout Ukraine, because here was born the famous manual therapist Nikolai Kasyan A. and founded the group «The VYO." If visiting in Kobeliaky, it`s best to visit the old Jewish cemetery. History cemetery Kobeliaky known since 1620. The city held great trade ...
St. Nicholas Church, Kobelyaki
пл. Перемоги 1, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Spiritual life Kobelyatsky land is glorious and magnificent history and cultural heritage. Today is one of the current St. Nicholas Church in Kobelyaki, rector and parishioners who are engaged in charity, take care of the cultural and spiritual life of the people. History of St. Nicholas church ...
Memory lane, Kobelyaki
вул. Шевченка, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
George the Victorious Temple, Kobelyaki
вул. Московська, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Anti-hedgehog, Kobelyaki
вул. Шевченко, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
Holy Church of the Intercession, Kobelyaki
вул. Червоноармійська, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
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