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urban village
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- Kosiv
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- Kryvoluka
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- Shman'kivtsi
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- Shvaikivtsi
- Skomoroshe
- Skorodyntsi
- Sokyryntsi
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- Stara Yahil'nytsia
- Svydova
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- Tovsten'ke
- Uhryn'
- Ulashkivtsi
- Vasyl'kiv
- Velyki Chornokintsi
- Yahil'nytsia
- Zabolotivka
- Zalissia
- Zelena
- Zvyniach
Monastery of the Order of Carmelites, Cartkov
вул. Монастирська 1, м. Чортків 48500, Тернопільська обл., Україна
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New Town Hall, Cartkov
вул. Шевченка 21, м. Чортків 48500, Тернопільська обл., Україна
New Town Hall is located in Chertkov in the Ternopil region. This building built in the style of constructivism and erected from 1926 to 1930. New Town Hall is located in the central city square. It is noteworthy that the old town hall is also preserved. Currently it is used as a bazaar and ...
Church of St. Mary, Chertkov
вул. О. Теліги 16, м. Чортків 48500, Тернопільська обл., Україна
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One of the religious centers of the Ternopil region is the temple of the Holy Intercession in the city of Chortkiv . The church was built in 1905 at the expense of the parishioners at the site of the wooden church. The project of the church in classic style with rich decoration was designed by the ...
Church of the Ascension, Chortkiv
вул. Залізнична 83, Чортків 48500, Тернопільська обл., Україна
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Ascension church Chortkiv can not be confused with one another - its monumental silhouette of the one and only. This unique temple was built without a single nail! Masterpieces of the Ukrainian wooden architecture built in 1630. Even today trehsrubny temple is considered the finest example of ...
Chortkiv Castle
вул. Замкова, м. Чортків 48500, Тернопільська обл., Україна
Poles, Ukrainians, Turks, Austrians - for its long history, the castle had many owners. Wooden fortifications appeared in the early 14th century, and after three centuries it was replaced by a powerful stone structure. Originally the castle was built as a monastery Polish magnate. But then he ...
Апартаменти Oneday - подобова оренда житла в центрі Чорткова
вул. Залiзнична 35, Чорткiв 48501, Україна
Вашій увазі, просторі апартаменти, які стануть комфортним місцем перебування для сімейної, ділової або туристичної поїздки. Апартаменти преміум класу розташовані в цетнральному районі міста, де через великі панорамні вікна можна побачити: Костел, Стару Ратушу, річку. У крокової доступності ...
Museum, Chertkov
вул. Зелена 3, м. Чортків 48500, Тернопільська обл., Україна
In the historical center of the town Cartkov located museum, opened in 1976. The museum is located in a beautiful modern building. Museum exhibits include more than 11,000 different items. Each of them is a part of his era and has some information about that period of time. The museum building ...
Yagelnitsky Castle
с. Нагірянка 48543, Чортківський р-н, Тернопільська обл., Україна
The castle, which is located in the village of Nagoryanka Ternopil region, on the right called impregnable and powerful. Its built in 1630, when the hetman S. Lyantskoronsky in place to strengthen the wooden built a castle with a 6-foot wall. The troops of Bogdan Khmelnitsky during a campaign ...
Church-Tank Wagon, Perekhody
с. Переходи 48509, Чортківський р-н, Тернопільска обл., Україна
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Temple Tank - a rather strange phrase. Many wonder how this could actually be. But it`s not a mistake when writing such church exists in Ukraine in the Ternopil region, in the village of transition. To create a church used the very real tank. Parishioners themselves at their own expense engaged ...
Assumption Catholic Church, Yahilnytsia
с. Ягільниця 48542, Чортківський р-н, Тернопільська обл., Україна
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Not far from Chertkov on both banks of the river lies the village Cherkaska Yahilnytsia . This is one of the ancient settlements skirts, which once owned Polish magnate Lyantskoronsky. They became the founders of the Roman Catholic parish and built the Assumption Church in Yahilnytsia. The ...
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