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Tul'chyns'kyi district:
Potots’kyi Palace in Tul'chyn
вул. Незалежності, 19, м. Тульчин, Вінницька область, Україна
In a little historical town Tul’chyn in Podillya region a wonderful Potots’kyi Palace is located. In the beginning of 18th century it was one of the greatest estates in Europe. It used to be the residence of a count, Stanislaw Shens’kyi-Potots’kyi. Everybody was impressed with the luxury of this ...
Petit Palais (Tulchin)
вул. Леніна 55, Тульчин 23600, Вінницька обл., Україна
Tulchin - an interesting city with a rich history and beautiful sights, the main of which is considered Petit Palais and the so-called Potocki Palace . Small Potocki palace is a two-story building. He is considered one of the finest examples of Ukrainian classicism, the splendor of which can ...
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