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Potots’kyi Palace in Tul'chyn
вул. Незалежності, 19, м. Тульчин, Вінницька область, Україна
In a little historical town Tul’chyn in Podillya region a wonderful Potots’kyi Palace is located. In the beginning of 18th century it was one of the greatest estates in Europe. It used to be the residence of a count, Stanislaw Shens’kyi-Potots’kyi. Everybody was impressed with the luxury of this ...
Palace of Count Ksido
вул. Шевченка 1, м. Хмільник 22000, Вінницька обл., Україна
Palace Grokhol`skiy
вул. Козацький шлях, смт Вороновиця 23252, Вінницька область, Україна
The town Voronovitsa quite rich in historical monuments, but Grokhol`skiy palace is the most valuable and most interesting buildings in the city. Biography palace is impressive - there has been a Polish aristocracy, scientists, inventors and even Nazi intelligence.
History of the palace ...
Palace Zabotina, Small Rostovka
вул. Польова, с. Мала Ростівка 22635, Оратівський р-н, Вінницька обл., Україна
Likely, the palace in the village of Mala Rostivka that are presented in, is the most mysterious building, which I ever had to write. The village is located in remote places, so tourists here rarely look to. And for good reason - it is one of the palaces of Vinnytsia region that best survived to ...
Palace Groholsky, Vinnitsa
вул. Мічуріна 32, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
In an ancient landscape park framed canopy of centuries-old trees, is family estate Groholsky. Polish magnates lived in a luxurious two-storey palace. Count Grokholsky ordered to lay it in the late 18th century.
The three-story building, designed in the shape of the letter "H", built of brick in ...
Prince`s Palace
вул. Леніна 102, Гущинці 22434, Вінницька обл., Україна
Prince`s Palace is considered one of the finest historical monuments in Guschintsah. The palace was built in the 19th century. It belonged to a noble family of the princes of Georgian origin Abamelik.
Representatives of this ancient family in the service of the Russian Empire and played an ...
Countess Shcherbatova Palace
вул. Шевченка 13, м. Немирів, Україна
Refined and well-attended Countess Shcherbatova Palace located in the heart of Nemyriv undoubtedly is one of the main attractions of Vinnytsia region. In addition, this famous architectural monument has an important historical value.
Its neoclassical style attracts attention of city guests. You’ll ...
Palace Sobanskih, Spichintsy
с. Спичинці 22250, Погребещінскій р-н, Вінницька обл., Україна
Sobanskih Palace - the count`s palace in the village of Spichintsy Pogrebeschenskogo region Vinnytsia region, built in the French style. It is a small two-storey palace with a large park area around. The building of the late 19th century. History and architecture of the palace Sobanskih ...
Palace Lange
с. Нападівка, Липовецький р-н, Вінницька обл., Україна
The village Napadovka one time belonged to the landowner Prilutsky that in the second half of the 18th century erected on its territory of the palace and broke around the park. The farmstead is located in the north-eastern part of the village. Later the estate passed into the hands of Yu ...
White House
пров. Шкільний 1, с. Чорномин, Піщанський р-н, Вінницька обл., Україна
The village Chernomin located in Vinnitsa region along the Southern Bug River, on a hill where Nicholas Charnomskim, estate manager of the famous Countess Sofia Potocki, built the manor. Before coming Charnomskogo village was called robbery because it was located near a forest through which passed ...
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