Horohiv Park
вул. Зелена, Горохів 45700, Волинська обл., Україна
Gorokhovsky park was founded in the early 19th century, the mayor of the city F. Tarnowski. This large park complex that has been preserved to our days, is a monument of landscape art. The park reserves 12 ha. On its territory collected unique, exotic plants. Collection Park has 60 species of ...
Horokhiv History Museum
вул. Шевченко 14, Горохів 45700, Україна
Gorokhovskiy Museum revolutionary, military and labor glory was opened in 1967. The title of "People`s" museum received in 1968. Director of the museum was the local ethnographer, labor veteran Andrey Maksymenko. At that time, the museum exposition was located in the territory of the hill of Fame ...
Church of the Ascension, Horokhiv
вул. Гетьманська 9а, Горохів, Волинська область, Україна
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Church of the Ascension can be called the central orthodox temple town peas. The history of this village is very dramatic. Here, several centuries confronted each other representatives of the two main directions of Christianity: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Until 1795 local edges were ruled by the ...
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