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Castle Hill, White Church

Castle Hill, White Church

The historic town center of White Church - St. George fort chronicle the city, which received its present name Castle Hill. Today it is a monument of national importance archeology ages 9-13, which are protected by the State on July 21, 1965.

History of Castle Hill in White Church

Earlier in the swampy area around Castle Hill formed settlement. Residents of St. George fought with nature, have built homes here, and later - the fortress. Later the town was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars burned all houses and construction. After the raid on the mountain remained ruins of the church of St. George.

The people George or Yuri, was considered holy, and therefore had a white dress. The remains of the burned church, speaking benchmark among broad steppes accustomed to call in honor of Yuri -tserkva White.

During the archaeological excavations and studies discovered on the territory of the defensive wall, which belongs to the first half of the 11th century, 17th century ramparts, remnants reports later period. In 1970 the cemetery was found by German soldiers during the Second World War.

A dozen years later, in 2011, it was decided to restore the church. Despite public appearances city, which was against the destruction of architectural monuments and wanted to keep the museum complex of Castle Hill, in the same year on November 4th City Council agreed construction of a new church.

Getting there

Castle Hill is on the left bank of the river Ros Friendship Street, in downtown White Church. Around Belotserkovsky national agrarian university. It is easily accessible by local transport as R17 highway route passes many taxis.

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Багатолика Рось. Колиска східнослов’янської цивілізації.
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