Optymistychna Cave

Optymistychna Cave, discovered by members of the speleological club Tsyklop in 1965, more than 40 years attracts both professional speleologists and amateurs of adventures. The cave is located in Podillya region on the left bank of the Dnipro along the Pivdennyi Buh River, that is not far from Korolivka village of Borchshevs’kyi district in Ternopil’ region.
When it was discovered, nobody would assume, its length was more than 3 km. Lots of colleagues were sceptical, but optimistic members of Tsyklop club arranged many expeditions, that’s why the cave bears such name – Optymistychna (meaning optimistic). Thus, during more than 170 expeditions these and lots of other speleologists discovered the world longest gypsum cave of 230 km long. However, not all of routes are known.
Some places of the cave are difficult to overcome; its complexity is considered to be 2B. But those who are ready to go through this long path will be rewarded deservedly, enjoying an incredible combination of underground lakes, stalactite and stalagmite growths, spherical surface that make you feel to be in a fabulous world.
The route may take up to several days, but smart speleologists equipped more than 15 underground camps. The most comfortable one is Oasis, located in perimeter of the cave where there is a reservoir with clean water, berths, and kitchen utensils. You can prepare a dinner at this place. Such camps let you to continue expeditions, therefore exploring scopes of the cave further.
Optymistychna Cave is divided into ten districts with the first one of 10 km long – Vhidnyi, further you can see Hlobus district with wide galleries known as Tsyklop, Speleologiv, Vichno Yunyh and Sofia. Their spherical surfaces impress especially. Svizha Voda district was a place where water was found. To the south-west this district joins to the biggest one, Novyi of 48,3 km long. There you’ll notice many passages, corridors, sloped vaults as well as galleries with crystals. The walls are mainly dark partly peppered with sparkled crystals within white and yellow-pink colours. To the west there is Dal’niy district of 180 meters long with its large galleries, as well as numerous obstructions. But further you can go without difficulty. If the walls are decorated with miracle golden-yellow patterns, it means you are next to Ozernyi district with lakes of Aqua-Vita hall.
The temperature in the cave, in spite of the season of the year, is about 11 Celsius degree. You might feel yourself walking on the loose snow alleys in galleries Dvanadtsiat Apostoliv and Honolulu, and the walls are studded with little needles. The one to stand all of the difficulties will be able to enjoy beauty of Zaozernyi district with beautiful walls and vaults of transparent crystals, as well as light, dark, red and yellow colours.
Each expedition discovers new unexplored routes. Perhaps, you are the one to discover the next gallery and give it your name.
Tours and excursions