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Mlynky Cave

Mlynky Cave

Fabulous cave, with a total length of about 35 kilometers, was discovered by cavers in the second half of the 20th century. Mlynki - the only one of its kind cave passages which are positioned relative to horizontal.

Her story began when, at the site of modern Ternopil region was one of the Sarmatian Sea. The current moves cave - a former crack in the bottom of the sea, which eventually increased by the devastating impact of water. After a few hundred years, the entire pond is completely dry, with only gypsum bottom strewn with all sorts of access doors and passages.

Cave called "Mlynki" in honor of the ancient village of the same name, which worked four mills. In the 18th century peasants used one of them for processing gypsum mined in caves. From there came the name with Ukrainian roots "Mlyn", which means "mill".

Quarrying stopped slightly less than a century ago, today these places - the most important natural attraction Ukraine. Almost all the moves in it are very narrow, with no special clothing and equipment for them not to get. Tour groups are formed of 4-6, and the cost of one admission ticket is 150-200 hryvnia. Inside the cave there are several beautiful rooms with white, yellow, red and even black crystals and stalactites, and the air of caves recognized as one of the cleanest and most beneficial to the human body.

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Tours and excursions

Неповторне Тернопілля
Основний маршрут: Тернопіль – Бучач – Язлівець – Джуринський водоспад – Червоноградський замок – сплав по ріці Дністер – Микулинці – Чортків – печера Млинки – Тернопіль.
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