Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Nikitsky Botanical Garden is the oldest in Ukraine Scientific-practical and research center. His staff are studying botany, landscape gardening and horticulture. It is located near the village of Nikita, a distance of ten miles from Yalta. Botanical Garden was founded in 1812 by well-known Russian scientist Christian Steven.
Visit this unique place, and you will see more than thirty different species of plants that are built in different parts of the world. Strolling through the shady alleys of the garden and listening to the fascinating story of the guide, be sure to pay attention to the swimming pool at the top of the garden. Sky-blue water, according to its creators, to remind visitors of the transparent waters of the Black Sea.
Your look with a gorgeous open area oleander, blue thistles and tropical bamboo, evergreen yucca, the fibers of which are of extraordinary strength.
On the terraced garden with olive trees, sacred cedars of Lebanon, the majestic plane trees, in the shadow of which is fabulous furniture, reminiscent of Malvina House heroine of a fairy tale "The Golden Key".
Relax by the pond and enjoy growing on the surface of gorgeous roses, look for a smaller copy of Bakhchisarai fountain of tears brimming with water chalice of patience.
Throughout the year, the Nikitsky botanical garden themed exhibition of cacti, carnations, roses and other great plants.
Conditionally garden is divided into several parts: the Upper Park, Lower Park and Seaside Park. The oldest part is the Lower Park. For the main garden area is Seaside Park, it is located at the bottom and an open round the clock access to it to all comers. In the upper zone for an additional fee, you can see the unique cactus greenhouse.
In the Nikitsky botanical garden is not just grow a variety of plants, but also carried a huge breeding and research work. Worldwide fame brought his amazing garden of its kind Arboretum (arboretum). For many years, he is the hallmark of Botanical Science of Ukraine for tourists, professionals, and scientists growers. Thanks to the most rare experience of growing and using plants brought from all over the world, has formed a unique subtropical fitolandshaft Crimean coast.
To get to the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens are on a bus or taxi going from the Yalta bus station to Nikita. From the highway Simferopol-Yalta to the main entrance runs taxi, you can also go on foot, but it will take a little more time, about half an hour.