The Armenian Church, Horodenka

Active settlement of Armenians city Gorodenka after obtaining the Magdeburg Law facilitated the emergence of the Armenian architectural constructions. One of the symbols of a prosperous Armenian community in Armenian church became the 18th century, preserved to this day, but in the collapsed state.
History of the Armenian Church
Armenian church in Horodenka was built in 1706. He was surrounded by a high stone wall, inside which there were Armenian cemetery. The richness and splendor of the interior point to a significant influence of the Armenian community. By the end of the 17th century the city became a major trading center, where Armenians held in their hands almost all the city`s trade. The temple was large enough that held the Armenian cemetery. The yard of the church surrounded by a high wall and entrance gate decorated beautiful.
Outside Armenian church combines ascetic and modest vychurnist construction. Highly placed windows in the thick walls add a hill above the door at the entrance was built balcony. The main facade of the church holding up strong buttresses, protruding at the bottom of the walls.
The interior and magnificent interior bahate.1743 year Mayor Nicholas Potocki provides trade and craft some privileges for the Jewish community. So eventually began to displace Armenians, Jews, and in 1811 the church was assembled body.
During the communist regime the Armenian church was used as a warehouse. Today it closed, windows boarded grating walls with the roof gradually destroyed. The church is the oldest preserved building in town that needs restoration.
Getting to church
Armenian church located near the center of town Gorodenka. You can get there by public transport as well as by rail from Ivano-Frankivsk . If you drive your own transport, it is best to move through Tysmenytsia road P20 leading to Horodenka