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The History Weapons Museum "Arsenal"

The History Weapons Museum

Weapons Museum "Arsenal" - Department of the Lviv History Museum, opened in 1981. Located at the Museum of Architecture 16th century - former City arsenal. His exposition has thousands of exhibits of traditional weapons to collectible and unique. Finally, conclusive evidence of the popularity of the Lviv Museum of weapon is that every year it is visited by more than 100,000 people. 

The museum "Arsenal" impresses with its diversity and originality. It presents bronze guns, axes, guns, jousting armor, mace, dishes featuring weapons, swords, military medals, military hats and many other items collected in 30 countries! Nicely arranged exposition so that each visitor can easily navigate that kind of weapon in front of him where and when it was produced. 

One of the most interesting exhibits is a unique German sword 16th century. A second such stored in London "Wallace Collection". They say that this gun was owned by one of the outstanding German blacksmith families. By the way, grip the sword decorated not only normal skin and skin and stingray - great value at the time the material. 

Another unusual exhibit is saber-trophy of the battle of Vienna. The peculiarity of this weapon is that it has two blades. Saber came to the museum from the collection Vaclav Zhevusky. This exhibit decorated engraved on it first trydtsyatyknyzhzhyamy from the Koran. In addition, according to legend, it was such weapons possessed prophet Mohammed and commander Genghis Khan. 

But not only these two famous Lviv museum exhibits weapons. In his collection - dozens of valuable weapons, some of which are decorated with: gems, gold, korallamy, ivory, pearls. There are weapons in Africa, Germany, Poland, Japan, Austria. The greatest collection of the museum - a collection of knives. There are all types of medieval swords, scimitars, halberds, maces, etc.. Also in the museum you can see the unique ancient mace 11 - 12 century armor "winged hussars" Rzeczpospolita and Iranian shield 17th century, Tartar Shield Kalkan-17th century, made ​​of vines, as well as weapons, made ​​Hutsul craftsmen in 18-19 centuries . 

No less interesting is the museum building itself - fortifications 1554 - 1556 years. Finally, special attention deserves the dedication of employees museum visitors can not only see the rich collection of the museum, but also ordered theatrical or night tour that will leave remarkable impressions. 

To get to the museum's arms "Arsenal" is very simple, because it is located in the city center on the street Pidvalna, 5. The Museum runs dozens of taxis. 

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