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Maniavs'kyi Waterfall

Maniavs'kyi Waterfall

Manyavsky Falls can rightly be considered one of the wonders of the Carpathians. It is located near the eponymous village on the river Manyavki. River Valley at the bottom of the canyon reminiscent framed by high walls. Water drops on the ground cascade of three waterfalls.   The total height is 18 m.

The area around the waterfall is very picturesque, mountain gorge between steep cliffs completely decorated with greenery. Mysterious terrain keeps a lot of secrets and legends. Locals believe that the night near the waterfalls can be heard singing nymphs that beckon anyone who decides to stay here for the night.

At the foot of the waterfall is a small lake, it is believed that it can rejuvenate anyone who dares to swim here. According to legend, there was a temple of the pagan gods, who is the patron of youth.

You can get to the waterfall on the river bed or Manyavka road through the village. Since 2013, the center organizes rafting   Regular tours of the canyon and waterfall descents on a rope.

Every tourist visiting the waterfall Manyavsky be able to test themselves on the miraculous power of mountain water, feel the rush of new vitality, and enjoy the spectacular views of the Carpathians.

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