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Cableway of Odessa

Cableway of Odessa

The passenger cableway opened in 1971 and today continues to delight locals and tourists, combining French Boulevard with one of the best city beaches. During the journey on a route of 425 m, the rest will see picturesque, breathtaking landscapes, dense thickets of acacias and flowering shrubs. Bright, attractive cabins of the cableway with illustrations of famous cartoon characters and symbols will make you feel on the aircraft, smoothly swims, swaying slightly from the wind over the lush vegetation. The trolleys are decorated with pictures of multgeros, hearts, roses, white swans, ripe, juicy berries and fruits. The trip will be the salvation of elderly people, and those who are quite rested on the coast and do not want to climb from the beach to the city on foot.


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