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Church of Sts. Olha and Elizabeth, Lviv

Church of Sts. Olha and Elizabeth, Lviv

Church of the Holy Olga and Elizabeth - is one of the first sights that greet tourists in Lviv. Is a church near the railway station, on the way to the historic center.

Local residents and historians call the temple of the Holy Olga and Elizabeth Temple of Love. The origin of this name becomes clear if we read the history of the church.

The first stone of the future of the Catholic Church was founded in 1903 by the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I. The monarch, known lover of women and a luxurious life in his later years decided to build a temple in honor of his deceased wife Elizabeth. Dying in 1898 at the hands of terrorists, Elizabeth was the only love of the emperor.

More than 8 years to erect walls and dome of the temple. But for a long time they did not have to stand. The guns of World War greatly damaged the appearance of the church.

Only in 1991, the temple was revived. Transition structures under the patronage of the Ukrainian Catholic Church has changed a lot in the guise of religious buildings. During the major reconstruction has been fully restored its facade. And with the help of European Catholic community was able to fill the church religious shrines.

Today, Olga and Elizabeth Temple - this is one of the tallest churches in Lviv (85 m). Compete with him can perhaps that St. George`s Cathedral , which is located nearby.

Special thrill the visitors of the church is the main icon - Crucifixion with Mary and John pristoyaschimi. Located adjacent to the 73-rubnym brass body, the shrine is striking in its realism.

Church of the Holy Olga and Elizabeth - Catholic, but always open to people of all faiths. Hours church from 8 to 19:00 daily.

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