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Field of the Battle of Berestechko

Field of the Battle of Berestechko

In 1651, during the War of Independence of Ukrainians against Polish rule, Berestechko played out a great battle. She became a tragic page in the history of Ukraine and Poland . 100,000th Zaporozhian Cossacks led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky and 30-thousand army of Crimean Tatars fought with a 300-strong army of the Commonwealth. The Cossacks were defeated, killed thousands, and Khmelnytsky was forced to conclude a disadvantageous peace for Ukrainians Belotserkovskii with the Polish king Jan Kazimierz.

[National Historical Memorial Park "Field Berestechko Battle" is the place where battles between seething Cossacks and the Poles. There is a museum, a monument to the peasant rebels and the Cossacks.

Perpetuate the memory of the Cossacks in the early 20th century, the monks decided Pochayevskaya laurels . On their initiative was built unique church-monument St. George in the Ukrainian Baroque style. The temple is unique. Its entrance is also the iconostasis. In addition, the three-tiered temple - there are three existing churches: St. George, balcony Boris and Gleb Church and Chapel-tomb Paraskeva underground, where the remains of the dead Cossacks.

Underground passage leads to the tomb of St. Michael`s Church. According to legend, it was praying before battle Khmelnitsky. The church is in the village of the Island, but was moved to Zhuravlikha.

To contain the tomb, in the early 20th century and founded a monastery - St. George`s Monastery. In Soviet times it was closed. But now here revived monastery Kyiv Patriarchate.

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Пориньте у незабутню подорож до Волині. Ви зможете побачити красу та велич Луцька, насолодитися екскурсіями по історичним місцям та привезти з собою незабутні спогади, веселий настрій, гарне самопочуття й багато фото. На вас чекають:  панорами Луцька; собори, монастирі; замки, Тараканівський форт, «Козацькі могили»; Музей бурштину; Тунель кохання, будинок Лесі Українки; реконструкція укріплень літописної Пересопниці; смачна їжа та приємна компанія; прогулянки у вільний час. План туру:
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