Trykratsky Forest

Trikratsky forest was planted by Count Skarzhinsky in the 70s of the 18th century. Spread artificial forest in the Mykolaiv region near the village resounded three times. This is a large park with a total area 247 hectares. It includes the tract "Vasilyeva apiary," "Summer Farm Skarzhinsky", "Labyrinth". Recently received its name due to a variety of intricate paths, artificial canals and bridges spanning the river. In the middle of the forest - a beautiful lake that is very fond of fishermen. Special value Trikratskogo forests are 350 ancient oaks, many of them 120 years old and reach some five centuries. They can rightly be called the giants: the trunk barely clasped three adults. A unique place in the Mykolaiv region - "Mironov Garden" here on treetops nesting herons.
The park has retained its unique beauty, pristine flora and fauna: stone river rapids, a birch grove. Although there is also human creations, such as fountains. Resides in the territory of a herd of buffalo, deer, deer and fallow deer. Tour will not only enjoy the scenery, but also learn about the history of this region.