The village is located in Ascension resounded three times the area of Mykolayiv region, the main feature of this settlement - Trikratsky forest , green oasis in the Kherson steppes. Recently resounded three times gaining increasing popularity among fans of "green" tourism. Grand Canyon, three river with interesting names - Arbuzynka, Mertvovod, Soplinka, wonderful forest with mighty oak trees, an abundance of wildlife and it is not the whole list of all the beauty of the forest. But the most surprising - is that Trikratsky forest originated over 200 years ago through the efforts of a local landowner VP Skarzhinsky.
A bit of history
Date of foundation of the village resounded three times - the 70s of the 18th century, is one of the oldest villages of Voznesensky district. All these places connected with family Skarzhinsky. Senior, Peter M., took part in the Russian-Turkish war, his son, Victor P., distinguished himself during the War of 1812. After the war, Jr. Skarzhinsky returned to his estate resounded three times, where the rest of his life was devoted to forestry. Although he had no formal education, has achieved considerable success in gardening arid steppes of Kherson.
There were planted more than 300 species of trees, saplings were brought from America and Europe, all were planted about 400 hectares. The special pride of wood - oak, the age of these giants from 100 to 170 years, some of them can not be covered in the amount of three people. Still preserved manor Skarzhinsky , this building now occupies the local arts school.
Description Trikratskogo forest
Trikratsky forest consists of natural reserves Vasilyeva apiary and the Labyrinth, a total area of 247 hectares, the status of state natural reserves was awarded in 1972. Each piece of wood has its own code name and its own attractions.
Labyrinth - a man-made park, consisting of multiple paths and bridges thrown over the river meanders, many equipped with seating. Beneficial owners of wood - oak, they are here, there are about 350 of these mighty giants are well adapted to the local arid climate. Especially visited Oak love was believed necessary to get around the tree three times, then you will find love and be happy. Another feature of the forest - juniper grove, seedlings were specifically written out of North America. Vast fields of strawberries attract numerous visitors of the forest, this berry is very fragrant.
Vasilyeva apiary - here is Lebyazhe lake, which became a haven for wild swans and ducks. For many years, they do not leave these places remain to winter on the lake. Nearby are Mironov garden. The peculiarity of this tract is that here the largest colony of gray herons, they make their nests predominantly on silver poplars. Not so long ago this place was chosen by egrets, indifferent to this area wild boars. If you`re lucky, you can find deer, fallow deer, pheasants.
Between the villages resounded three times and acts is Aktovsky canyon , it is called Small Crimea or "Valley of the Devil." This unique piece of nature famous majestic boulders and rocks, reaching 30-50 meters in height. Bizarre cliffs, rocky cliffs especially loved by tourists and photographers, climbers. By its unique rock formations, these equate to the famous canyons of North America. The special charm gives canyon riverbed Mertvovod, unique ecosystem is a place of rare plants, in particular mountain tulip. Nearby is no less picturesque canyon Arbuzinsky .
How to get there
By bus from Nikolaev to Voznessensk, then by bus to the village resounded three times, go to the bus stop near the school.Private car on the highway Nikolaev - Kiev, before the Ascension turn towards resounded three times (track Voznesens`k - Fraternal).
The nearest hotel is located at the Ascension, but you can spend the night in the village in the private sector or set up a tent in the woods. Shop in the village there, fill the car better at the Ascension. On the territory of the canyon to call the car is prohibited.