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Institute of Ionosphere

Institute of Ionosphere

Unique Research Center, which conducts research in the physics of near-Earth space, functioning since 1966. In 2001, recognized as scientific object representing an n ational property of Ukraine. This observatory has no equal in the whole of Eastern Europe. Everything in the world there are 11 such objects, 5 of which are located in the United States.

Institute successfully with otrudnichaet with lots of international research centers, including the best technical universities in the world - Massachusetts and Cornell (USA). On the basis of the Institute of the ionosphere are scientific conferences, including an annual conference for young physicists. At the observatory is its printed edition "Radio and the ionosphere."

On the territory of the laboratory are 4 unique high-tech facility: Radar HP (diameter 100 m), radar HP (diameter 25 m), the ionosonde and stand decameter range.

To date, research in the observatory almost non-existent due to the lack of modern equipment, but the object is listed as "abandoned 7 Wonders of Ukraine" and is of great interest to tourists.

Institute of Ionosphere located west of the Raisin, near the village. Proletarian and Vodyahovka.


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