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Saint Nicholas Monastery (Mukacheve)

Saint Nicholas Monastery (Mukacheve)

In the city of Mukachevo , on the slope of Mount Chernecha is Orthodox St. Nicholas convent Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

According to legend, the monastery was founded in the 11th century when the Hungarian King András I. Together with his wife Anastasia of Kiev in Transcarpathia came nuns of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery and founded a monastery in the caves on the mountainside.

In the 14th century, on the initiative of Podolsky Orthodox Prince Theodore Koryatovicha, Mukachevo monastery was fortified. According to legend, on the mountain Chernecha on Prince Theodore attacked ravenous beast, then Koryatovych made supplication to St. Nicholas, promising to build a temple in his honor. The beast was defeated. A prince built a wooden church building for the nuns, and also strengthened the land behind the monastery.

The temple suffered destruction, fires, but revived. In the late 18th - early 19th century was built the main building of the monastery cells, bell tower and the majestic St. Nicholas Church. The author of the project - architect Dmitry Mukachevo Rat.

Under Soviet rule in the late 60s of the 20th century monastery wanted to close, but Patriarch Alexy I begged on his knees in the Kremlin, the Soviet government to save the shrine, and it is still heard.

Now the monastery three churches: St. Nicholas Church, Chapel in honor of the Assumption, built in 2004, and the Church of All Saints, which is preserved from the 18th century.

In the monastery there is a lot of revered Christian shrines. Among them - the Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hearken" list with Iberian Mother of God, brought from Mount Athos, a cross with a piece of the Holy Cross, the icon with the relics of St. Nicholas. The monastery is in the list of Orthodox pilgrimage routes of Ukraine.

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Тур «Карпатская феерия»
Окунитесь с нами в незабываемый мир красоты и гостеприимства Закарпатья. Получите уникальную возможность побывать в самых интересных местах этого края. Во время тура будет очень интересно: Посещение термальных вод на территории комплекса «Косино», которые благотворно влияют на весь организм. Представится возможность испробовать вкусную еду в венгерской таверне. В программу тура входит дегустация закарпатских вин и возможность их приобретения. Если вам захочется испытать благотворное влияние теплой воды, то вас ждет купание в чанах в поселке Лумшоры. Кроме этого, вы посетите озеро Синевир и водопад Шипот. Прикоснетесь к частичке истории в Ужгородском замке и музее архитектуры и быта. Испробуете свои силы в сплаве по реке Тиса, посетите оленью ферму и сыроварню в селе Нижнее Селище. Источник фото: ТК Феерия. План тура Свалява; Поляна; Косино; Берегово; Воеводино; Ужгород; Мукачево.
Новий Рік та Різдво на Закарпатті
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