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Holy Spirit church, Kolochava

Holy Spirit church, Kolochava

The Church of Pentecost is very ancient. It was created in 1795 with the king and the priest Franciszek John Popovich, master Ferenc Tekke. It is written on the lintel, and it says that it was built in the Great Famine. In those days, this kind of unhappiness remained on sheets parohialnyh books and Kolochava hit record on the lintel of the temple.

This church is made ​​in the Baroque style, it was built without a single nail, causing delight any tourist. Slim dvosrubny tridelny temple is perfect. Over Babintsy there is a high tower, which ends faceted dome with a visor, a lamp and a spherical dome. Near the church are growing spruce, such as old as she is. She was still standing near the wooden bunk belfry, but (as agreed community) it was moved to the Orthodox Church. January 9, 1953 Holy Spirit church was deregistered as acting. Now it is a museum of atheism, by which it was restored in the years 1969-1970. Also, this temple is called the monument of the Roman-Byzantine architecture.

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