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Church of the Intercession, Lutsk

Church of the Intercession, Lutsk

In Lutsk costs already come to see with their own eyes the oldest of the existing Orthodox churches in Ukraine - Holy Protection Church.

It was built in 13-15 century, and it is considered to be the founder of the Lithuanian Prince Witold.

In its original form the monastery lasted until 1625, and after it was dismantled and on the same site was built of wood, and then the stone temple. The church underwent several restorations, as a result of which its walls were lined with brick, completely replaced the roof, and a bell-tower built two decorative dome. The interior of the iconostasis was installed and painted walls.

The church is located in a quiet and cozy corner of the city of Lutsk. To ensure its honorable age, just look at the attraction at close range. Over the centuries, standing on a hill abode heavily subsided. And now, to get inside you need to go down the street adjacent inclined. But despite this, it is impossible not to notice - the church walls are painted in bright yellow color, rather the canary. Although the appearance of the building has a simple rectangular shape, thanks to such an unusual color scheme shrine has become a real decoration of the city. Harmoniously completes the look of the structure of a three-tiered bell tower with a hipped end of which adjoins the western side of the porch.

The interior remained beautiful oil painting of the late 19th century. For a long time in the Intercession Church has one of the oldest and most revered icons of Volyn - "Our Lady of Volyn `, but in 1962 it was transferred to the National Art Museum of Ukraine .

In one of the walls of the Holy Protection Church there are two burial of former rector of the church: Archpriest Alexander Teodorovich and Archpriest Alexander Ogibovskogo.

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