Holy Cross Church, Lutsk
Holy Cross church, built as a defense, appeared in Lutsk in the 17th century. Brotherhood of the same name to build it at the expense of Ukrainian patron Galshki Gulevichevny, which was part of it, along with other nobles Volyn.
The main temple of Lutsk fraternity built of wood, making trehsrubnym with three domes. Alas, the church was unable to fully maintain the appearance that it had in its heyday. Wooden church in the early 18th century suffered from the fire. Therefore, it had to be dismantled before the altar area. Surviving tree sold for building materials.
Rebuild the church was only after several decades. She has found a new, more modern forms. There were a chapel, hospital, school, monastery. The temple was crowned with a dome, and its walls are painted with images of old masters Holy Cross Church.
The building, which can be seen today, is made of stone and has a rectangular shape. However, with its wooden Asp reinforcing frieze managed to survive. The dome is made of brick and has six ribs, which are decorated with elegant moldings. Today in this church service conducted priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate.