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Holy Trinity Cathedral
Градний узвіз, 1, м. Луцьк, Україна
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Holy Trinity Cathedral in Luts’k is a magnificent building in the centre of the city. You can see it from many distant places of Luts’k, and its bell ringing can be heard in almost every corner of the city.
The history of this church is interesting and rich. The cathedral was erected on the place ...
Monastery sharitok, Lutsk
вул. Кафедральна 17-19, Луцьк, Україна
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St. George`s Church, Holoby
вул. Грушевського, смт Голоби 45070, Ковельський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
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Holoby The settlement, which later became a small town, once subordinated Lutsk castle, which the peasants brought wood and other building materials. During the 18th century the fashion for Baroque captivated Holoby in this style were built almost all the houses, in particular, Wilga Palace, St. ...
Church of the Archangel Michael, Holoby
вул. Грушевського, смт Голоби 45070, Ковельський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
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In the small town of Holoby Volyn region there are several partially or completely destroyed buildings whose age goes back to the 18th century. Some of them are better preserved, such as the Church of the Archangel Michael (aka - St. Michael`s Church); the other monuments are in poor condition.
The ...
Monastery brigitok, Lutsk
вул. Кафедральна 16, м. Луцьк 43000, Волинська обл., Україна
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City Lutsk, Volyn region which is just teeming with monuments and medieval culture. One of these is the monastery brigitok. Before reconstructions and restorations, it was a two-storey building in the form of the letter T, it is an important link in the fortification of the castle. To the east, ...
Peter and Paul Church, Lutsk
вул. Кафедральна 17, Луцьк 43000, Україна
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The history of one of the Catholic churches of Lutsk dates back four centuries. Its medieval walls drenched atmosphere of antiquity and kept many secrets that are left Jesuit monks. Once inside the church, a man carries like in the old days.
Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, was an ...
Trinity Church, Olyka
смт Олика, Ківерцівський р-н, Волинська обл., Україна
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Grand church in the village of Olyka built in the Baroque style, is striking in its grandeur and power. This building, erected in 1635, it became a kind of copy of the Roman Church Church of the Gesù. The work was directed by famous Italian architects. Novovozvedennoe building immediately gained ...
Holy Assumption Cathedral, Volodymyr-Volynsky
вул. Соборна 25, Володимир-Волинський 44700, Україна
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Svyatogorsky Zymne Monastery of the Assumption
с. Зимне 44752, Володимир-Волинський р-н., Волинська обл., Україна
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In extraordinary place is Svyatogorsky Zimnensky Assumption Monastery. It stands on a hill above the river Saints Meadows near the village of Winter, is a few kilometers from the city of Vladimir-Volyn. Nature is striking in its beauty and splendor. Pilgrims meet soothing silence, peace and ...
Велика дзвіниця Жидичинського монастиря, Жидичин
вул. Ковельська, Жидичин 45240, Україна
На захід від Свято-Миколаївського храму розміщується Велика дзвіниця монастиря, пам’ятка архітектури національного значення. Вона разом із Миколаївським храмом та Палацом митрополита формують єдиний архітектурний ансамбль Жидичинського монастиря, зведений у 1723 році. Історично дана споруда ...
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