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St Basil сhurch (Rotunda)

St Basil сhurch (Rotunda)

This small church - a unique specimen of Orthodox architecture of the 13th century.

Age of the Church is still the subject of dispute researchers. According to one source, it was erected in 1419, on the other - at the turn of 12-13 centuries. But in documents for the first time about it is mentioned only in 1523.

Just a few steps from the rotunda archeologists found fragments of pink cement and stone ornaments. Scientists believe that the church was built on the site of an ancient structure and that its parts were used in the construction.

There is another version. If you believe the legend, the locals, the church was built in just one day retinue of Prince Vladimir. In 992, returning from a campaign, he stopped in this place and in gratitude to God for the successful outcome of the battle erected a church. Material for building gathered his entire squad - every soldier brought a brick. Was named in honor of the Christian church named Prince - Saint Basil.

Since the late 17th to the mid 19th century, the temple was in ruins. The revival of the church associated with the reconstruction of 1900-1901 years. Thanks to the Russian architect Konstantin Kozlov rotunda acquired traits Russian-Byzantine style. Was completed porch, narthex appeared on the second tier of the bells, and above it wraps small Russian bath. Also over the rotunda was built lukoobrazny dome on a drum, which features innovative features. Window openings decorated images of the moon and the sun appeared on the northern wall of stone portal. All this drastically changed the original appearance of the temple.

Left untouched the most unusual in the appearance of the church - its foundation. It is designed as a flower with eight petals. Large rounded ridges interspersed with small and create the illusion of wavy walls.

Of the ancient church property to the present day has reached only an image of the Holy Virgin Mary, which was brought from Greece, but when and by whom is unknown.

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