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Temple St. Josaphat

Temple St. Josaphat

Vladimir-Volyn - a real storehouse of attractions for tourists. There you can visit the church of St. Jehoshaphat, who is bright, unusual for Ukraine example of church-Lutheran church. The original building was built as a house of worship for the Lutheran Diocese, but later changed its purpose. Now it is the Greek-Catholic Church of St. Jehoshaphat Kuntsevych.

Building construction was carried out in the late 19th century. The temple is a small rectangular building constructed of gray-beige brick and terra-cotta tiles. Sharp spire of the temple can be seen from anywhere in the city. Bright colors of the temple gives it a special flavor. At first glance, the church resembles the architecture of the beautiful Prague.

By visiting this temple, you can see the Catholic service on the Eastern rite, enjoy the amazing magnetic atmosphere of an old building.

The city has many interesting sights - such as Slavic Park and located next to the Cathedral of the Assumption .

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