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National Park Karmelyukovo skirts

National Park Karmelyukovo skirts

Vinnitsa region extraordinarily rich in tourist attractions. Here are the objects of historical significance as well as environmental. One of these places is the National Park "Karmelyukovo skirts".

The park was founded in 2009 by decree of President Viktor Yushchenko. Park received its name in honor of the Ukrainian "Robin Hood" Ustym Karmelyuka. At one time he was hiding in these dense forests with their comrades. Park was established to preserve the unique biosphere and monuments of antiquity.

Keep that there really is. Nature in these places extraordinarily beautiful. Around grow relic shrubs, rare herbs and ancient trees. In this forest, many animals have found a house that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and Europe. In the midst of a dense forest takes crystal-clear river. Local landscapes fascinate spirit.

Despite the fact that the park is relatively young, the staff skirts applied a lot of effort to conserve the unique biosphere. Devoted much effort to the park was interesting and easy to visiting tourists. This wonderful reserve is worthy of your attention.

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