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Trostianets'kyi district:
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urban village
- Trostianets'
- Berezhanka
- Budy
- Chetvertynivka
- Demkivka
- Demydivka
- Dubivka
- Hlybochok
- Hordiivka
- Illiashivka
- Kapustiany
- Kozyntsi
- Krasnohirka
- Kytaihorod
- Ladyzhyn
- Letkivka
- Lukashivka
- Mala Stratiivka
- Mytkivka
- Obodivka
- Oleksandrivka
- Olianytsia
- Pidlisne
- Savyntsi
- Skybyntsi
- Torkanivka
- Trostianchyk
- Tsybulivka
- Velyka Stratiivka
- Verkhivka
- Demkivs'ke
- Dovzhok
- Dubyna
- Hlybochans'ke
- Ladyzhyns'ke
- Severynivka
- Verkhivs'ke
- Zelenyi Dovzhok
Sobansky Palace
с. Ободівка 24353, Тростянецький район, Вінницька область, Україна
The village Obodovka is a beautiful palace complex, built for a family of large merchant Mikhail Sobanskogo. This architectural masterpiece was created for nearly 100 years. Today, the palace consists of four parts built in different periods of time, they are connected with each other and form an ...
National Park Karmelyukovo skirts
с. Ободівка 24353, Тростянецький район, Вінницька область, Україна
Vinnitsa region extraordinarily rich in tourist attractions. Here are the objects of historical significance as well as environmental. One of these places is the National Park "Karmelyukovo skirts". The park was founded in 2009 by decree of President Viktor Yushchenko. Park received its name in ...
Museum of the Battle Batozhskoy
вул. Гагаріна 13, с. Четвертинівка, Тростянецький р-н, Вінницька обл., Україна
In the summer of 1652 was a struggle of the Union Army of the Crimean Khanate and the Zaporozhye Cossacks led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the army of the Commonwealth. The battle took place on the territory of modern Vinnitsa region near the village Chetvertinovkoy Trostyanetsky area. Title Battle ...
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