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Citadel. Defence Barracks of Lviv

Citadel. Defence Barracks of Lviv

Perhaps only in Lviv, you can see the five-star hotel, the walls of which once served as the last refuge for suicide ... After all, it is the fate of "Tower of Death", which is located on the territory of Lviv Citadel - the only one in Ukraine fortified complex of buildings that were built in the middle of the 19 century.

Its construction is planned Austrian military, who knew that the defense point on the hill will give control of the city. During the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian troops established themselves here their barracks. Then they were replaced by Russian, then the Poles.

The most horrible page in the history of buildings - the Great Patriotic War. The Germans occupied the barracks, had a concentration camp. Within its walls thousands of people died from executions, torture and starvation killed more than 140,000 people. It was then that one of the towers was called "Tower of Death" - there were rooms for interrogation and death row. Most Germans Citadel has an important role: planning to rebuild Lions were going to make of it, "Crown City". But did not have time - they knocked out of the city, Soviet troops ...

Strengthening Citadel extant consist of six towers and three-storey barracks. All are built of red brick. On the territory there is a park. It is noteworthy that during the time of independence, all the buildings of the Citadel were private, and appeared on its territory illegally built objects. They even wanted to build an entertainment center, but the public was against it. Now the complex has the status of an architectural monument of national importance.

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