Basilian Monastery (Monastery of the Nativity)
Basilian monastery complex located in Zholkva, in the territory of the former village Vynnyky. It includes the Church of the Sacred Heart, monastic cells, a bell tower and typography.
Basilian monastery was a center of religion and culture in Galicia. In 1895, the monastery was founded a printing house, where he successfully published a popular and theological literature. Was built bell tower, which can be seen today. In the early 20th century, the church was rebuilt in the Byzantine style. Famous Ukrainian artist Julian Butsmanyuk worked on painting the church and today his paintings are considered to be one of the best examples of Ukrainian Art Nouveau era murals.
The monastery is also a place of pilgrimage. At the end of the 18th century the church was brought relics of St. Parthenay, which are still stored there.
Basilian monastery operates at the Sacred Heart Church, which belongs to the Greek Catholic Church. Beautiful and unusual monastery is certainly worth visiting, traveling to western Ukraine.
Tours and excursions
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