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Kreschaty (Merchant) Park

Kreschaty (Merchant) Park

In the heart of the capital, on the European Square, located Kreschaty park. This is a favorite vacation spot of locals and visitors to the city, a symbol of Ukraine. The park stretches along the Vladimir descent, on the slopes of the Dnieper.

The history of the park began in 1882. Then, at the request of the merchants of Kiev, in what is now the park was built Merchants Assembly. It has become a favorite place in all of the Kiev light: concerts and dances, musical evenings, gave concerts famous bands of the time. Thanks to its excellent acoustics, in 1923 the building was opened by the National Philharmonic of Ukraine , which operates there to this day. Meeting planted around the park, built a summer club and theater. So there was a garden Merchants Assembly. For symphonic and chamber concerts have created an open concert stage. There were many celebrities of the time, including Chaliapin and Sobinov. Visit the park could every resident of the city, but to get into the park, it was necessary to pay an entrance fee. Children`s tickets cost 20-30 cents, adult - 40-50 cents.

In 1982 the park was opened monument, which has since become a symbol of Kreschaty Park - Arch of Friendship of Peoples - a symbol of unity between Ukraine and Russia. Completes the image of the park observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the Dnieper and the central part of Kiev. The nearest metro station - "Independence Square" and "Khreschatyk."

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Многие поезда приезжают в Киев рано утром в районе 6:00. У тех, кто не имеет возможности сделать остановку у знакомых, ранний приезд в столицу вызовет массу вопросов – в 6–7 утра мало какие отели смогут поселить гостя, да и кафе в такое время еще закрыты. Приехав в ранние часы придется несколько часов ждать на вокзале, максимум – отправиться в Макдональдс или на Площадь независимости.
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