Palace Turkullov-Comella

The park Lviv Veterinary Academy hiding neo-Gothic castle of the 19th century - Palace Turkul-Camello. Like most of the estates of the time, he borrowed the name from their famous owners.
Curiously, the construction of the palace-Turkul Camello and Lviv Natural History Museum guided one family - Dedushitskih.
In 1840 Earl G. Dedushitsky commissioned a famous Polish architect F. Bauman estate for your family. Architect, known fan of Gothic Revival, 3 years built a magnificent view on the structure. His work can enjoy today. Arches, Finial, lacy railing still exist.
Second prefix to its name the palace got at the end of the 19th century. At that time, the estate owned Countess Felicia Camello.
Today the palace Turkul-Camello performs the functions of the institution. It is the body of the Lviv Academy of Animal Health. Restaurant open to the public.
But even if the tourists will not be able to get inside, they will always be able to take your time strolling through the park around the estate or visit Semensky Palace , which is close by.