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Pelicans in Love Fountain

Pelicans in Love Fountain

Despite the fast pace of life and economic development, Kiev is one of the most romantic cities in Europe. In this city there are many interesting places for those who truly know how to love .

One of these places is a fountain "Lovers pelicans." It is located in the courtyard of unremarkable residential neighborhood. Plaster sculpture of two pelicans, looking at each other, came here after the war. German prisoners of war, restoring destroyed by war Kiev, established this unusual fountain. It is made in a purely European style. Looking at it today, imagine yourself in some small German town.

Why pelicans adorn the fountain? According to the European culture, the pelican - the symbol of marital happiness, love and prosperity. No wonder this place is becoming increasingly popular among lovers of Kyiv residents and guests. For hundreds of tourists come to the fountain. Some come just to look at the unique architectural sights. And the other is prescribed by the fountain dates are recognized in love and vow to not be separated from their loved ones as well as the two pelican, forever frozen next to each other.


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