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College of Piarists

College of Piarists

College of PR - is a monument of architecture, which at one time was the first institution of holy order. The unusual name came from the Latin Schola pia - «pious School", which was organized by Saint Joseph Kalasanskim in 1597. PR called a Catholic order of monks, whose mission is the training and education of young people. To this end, organized a special closed educational institutions.

In the city of Lviv board PR, founded in 1748 by Bishop Samuel Glowinski, was the first such institution. For this purpose built building in Baroque style with elements of classics. The name of the architect and failed to install, but many critics suggest that it was an Italian master Francesco Placidi.

The building board made ​​of bricks, different U-shaped, and inside is the corridor plan, ie rooms are located on one side only. PR is widely famous for advanced at the time of training methods. They divided the students into classes, is considered unacceptable practice corporal punishment and honorable relations between students and teachers.

Introduction Austrian secularizing reforms in 1782 led to the closure of the Lviv college PR. Since that time, a former educational institution tobacco factory, hospital, medical school, and now here is the Regional Hospital in Lviv.

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