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House Kuprina

House Kuprina

House with plaque reminding that this is where once lived the Russian writer Alexander Kuprin, has a rich history. His original name is already forgotten by many.

Profitable house Lutsk, which became a masterpiece of ornamental art nouveau, built in 1903. In the early 20th century, this style makes only the first tentative steps, gradually entering into fashion. The mansion, designed by the best architects-modernists Odessa, became the top of their creativity.

Alexander Kuprin settled in a new building in 1910. Thrill seeker, he absorbed the spirit of old Odessa, learned life magicians and thieves loader port and street musicians. Rose in the sky in a balloon and soars up to the plane. Within the walls of the house Lutsk writer lived long. But just two years filled with experiences and discoveries, Kuprin managed to create his famous "Garnet Bracelet", "The Circus", "Listrigony" and other novels and short stories. All of them are imbued with the spirit and character of Odessa .

With home Lutsk related and other events - or rather, the legend. If you carefully scrutinize facade, can be seen at the top of the bas-relief image of a girl with a noose draped around his neck. Rumor has it that his appearance is not accidental. Ostensibly before on this very spot was another, more ancient building, which became prisoners of beauty, stolen from local families. The catacombs they were transported to the sea, and then sold to Turkish harems. And one of the girls could not stand the flour, hanged herself. Her tormentors were soon caught and punished, house - destroyed. Like it or not, is certain now nobody can. But apparently, this legend, come down to the architects, is reflected in the decoration of the house, which became the historical and architectural monument of local importance.

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