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Trinity Church, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky

Trinity Church, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky

Holy Trinity Church - one of the many monuments of architecture Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. Church located at the corner of Shevchenko and Gymnasicheskaya.   The first cathedral was built in the 17th century,   He was in the same place as the modern church. But the building was a wooden, and in the 18th century, after a lightning strike, burned by fire. Money to build a new church were collected throughout the city. Construction was successful and did not last long,   already in 1804 the new Trinity Church was consecrated. The architectural style of the cathedral - Old Russian, also includes elements of classicism.   60 years later to the cathedral bell tower was added.

The architecture is simple and concise structure, designed in accordance with all the traditions of Ukrainian culture. Belongs to the temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. There are regular services, the church is open to visitors.

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