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Pereyaslav-Khmel'nyts'kyi, Pereiaslav-Khmel'nyts'kyi district

Pereyaslav-Khmel’nytskyi is considered by many a city-museum. And it’s quite correct, because the city is one of the oldest in Ukraine. You might find many historical and cultural sights, theme museums with its unique exhibits. Some collections such as sarcophagus dating back to the Bronze and Copper Ages, collections of Cossack times and anciently printed books, churches are of a universal importance.


The most popular city sight is the Museum of the Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnipro Region. It is an open air museum on Litopysna Street. It seems this park with its meadows and small woods is bondless. Country life of 17th-19th centuries is presented in courtyards with huts and premises including flowerbeds. Once you have visited this unique park, you’ll feel the spirit of various epochs because the museum is divided into 13 zones, each with its definite period theme. Your attention will be attracted by collection of colorful rushnyks dating back to 19th-20th centuries in an old church. Rushnyk is an embroidered tower, which has always been an inalienable attribute of traditional Ukrainian holidays, weddings. It’s a sign if hospitability. The Museum of history of Ukrainian Traditions and Ceremonies offers you to get to know Ukrainian customs and traditions from ancient times till nowadays.


Strolling through the territory of park don’t avoid the Museum if Corn. The bread house presents various loaves from different parts of the world, including ancient earthenware crockery and thousand years old Trypillian ceramic. You’ll get to know the secrets of baking bread.


Those who are fond of apiculture will be glad to visit the Museum of Beekeeping. None of visitors leaves the museum without tasting sweet honey. The Museum of Drug Plants located on the territory of the park presents local herbarium. And the Museum of the Land Transport offers its unique collection of old vehicles.


Interesting devices used in space vehicles, in orbital station “Salyut”, space launching site models, spacesuit and parachute of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin are presented in the Museum of the World Perception and Peaceful Mastering of the Space.


Being in the centre of the city you’re well advised to go to Shevchenko Street to visit the Museum of “The Will” (ukr. “Zapovit”) of Taras Shevchenko. This building used to be the house of Doctor Kozachkovs’kyi. Shevchenko repeatedly visited him. You may notice an old acacia at the entrance, which was planted by Kozachkovs’kyi and Shevchenko.


At the same street you’ll see the Museum of Culture of Trypillia and the Museum of Cossack Glory as well. In addition to those mentioned above there is the Archeological Museum with its unique objects found during excavations. Those who are interested in an ancient history of Ukraine will be gladly surprised to see the Dobranychevs’k settlement dating back to 25th-10th centuries BC, ancient settlements of the Bronze Age, including various adornments, weapon and crockery of the Trypillian culture. 


For those who are fond of art, Picture Gallery on 10 Shevchenko Street presents works of famous Ukrainian artists and sculptors.


Also you can visit the Museum of Pereyaslav Architecture of Kyivan Rus’. At the same street you may note St Mykholai Church of the 17th century. In this building there is the Museum of Ukrainian National Clothing of the Middle Dnipro Region, where you’ll be charmed with beautiful embroidered white shirts, female adornments and wedding clothing.


There is one more museum in the centre of the city worth seeing. It’s is situated in the building of Voznesens’ka Church. It is the museum-diorama with the artistic canvas 28 meters long and height of 7 meters. River crossing of soviet forces through the Dnipro on Bukryns’kyi bridge-head near Pereyaslav is depicted on this canvas. The speech of guide, musical accompaniment and the size of canvas will help you to feel yourself on the battlefield. It’s unforgettable!


The glory of Pereyaslav-Khmel’nytskyi is absolute. It’s unbelievable how this ancient city contains so many various museums. So, visit the city and choose what you are interested in. 

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Переяслав - місто музеїв. Економ
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Широкая Масленица в Переяславе-Хмельницком
Во время однодневного тура, посвященного празднику Масленицы в Переяславе-Хмельницком, на месте проведения народных гуляний вы окунетесь в водоворот старинного действа. Масленица традиционно приветствует своих гостей приветливой румянощекой красавицей. Своим задором она поможет на время позабыть о зиме и порадует вкусными блинами! Вас ожидает: Экскурсия по заповеднику «Переяслав», во время которой можно будет увидеть старинные мазаные хаты, мельницы, церкви с деревянного сруба. Выступления народных ансамблей, работы ремесленников. Будут действовать торговые лавки, в которых можно приобрести произведения народных умельцев. Масленичные развлечения, в которые входят древние обряды, народная музыка от фольклорных групп, игры, танцы. Вкусная еда, блины, вареники со шкварками и медовуха. «Призовой столб», а также незабываемое зрелище, во время которого палят масленичное чучело.
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